Picture of the kid on the computer is from clipartpanda.com. Logo on computer is from LEAP

History Page

The History of LEAP

LEAP was founded in 1992.

In 1993, we had Senator Chris Dodd come check out LEAP.
The picture on the right is a picture of some LEAPers
from 1993 with the Senator
LEAP went statewide in 1994; there was one in New London and Bateswood/Briarclif. This was also
the year that LEAP was selected to participate in
President Clinton's Americorps efforts.
In the summer of 1994, it was the second summer session of LEAP! Here is some of the amazing staff from summer of 1994!
This is a picture from 1996 of a counselor helping his LEAPers do their homework. Our counselors still help us with our homework even now. They are very helpful and we are so lucky to have them around.

In 1998, New London opens the first LCLC.
LCLC stands for LEAP's Computer Learning Center.

In the summer of 1999, LEAP had there mid-summer retreat at Conneticut College. We have these retreats as a away to have fun and learn something new in the process.
In 2000, the counselors got to have a chat with Danny Glover. He is an actor, director and also a political activist.
This picture is from June 2000. It was the same time that Danny Glover was here. It is a picture of some of LEAP staff with Mr. Glover
In case you were wondering what our LCLC looked like in 2000, here it is. The computers were a lot bigger back then.
In 2001, LCLC opened its eigth program in New London and the LEAPers participated in the Read Across in Waterbury.
In 2002, we taught kids based on age level, and in the summer we tested to see if LEAP was effective in improving the community. Also in 2002, LEAP had its 10 year anniversary!!

In 2003, the LEAP community started the READ IN and other functions to get funding.

In 2005, we started having L.I.T's at LEAP. You have to be 7-12 to go to leap, and 13-15
to become a L.I.T. And you have to have patience and respect towards others.
In 2007, we had a book give away. Here are some of the LEAPers with the books they received.
In the year of 2012, LEAP turned 20 years old!!
In the summer of 2012, LEAPers were give a chance to participate in ropes course.
2013 was another great year. Some of the LEAPers did some volunteering at Columbus House.

Roles and Responsitbiltis

Being an LIT, we have to set a good example for the younger kids.
To make sure we stay on track and become the best role models we can be, we have roles and responsiblites.
We try to become leaders and become better people.
Some of them include:

Attending LEAP activities



Learning valuable life skills

Team work

Leadership skills