Picture of the kid on the computer is from clipartpanda.com. Logo on computer is from LEAP


According to the LEAP for Kids site, "LEAP's mission is to develop the strengths
and talents of young leaders who implement year-round, community and school-based programming designed to
achieve positive academic and social outcomes for children living in high poverty, urban neighborhoods."

Our Summer at LEAP 2015

We are the LIT's this summer at LEAP. This summer we were given the task to build this
website using HTML, a markup language. All of the LIT's
built this site together. Each group had a chance to build their own page. With the help of LCLC staff,
we created this website to show what we did this summer and to explain what LEAP is all about.

About LEAP

The LEAP program is a mentorship program currently in New Haven, CT. We have college mentors that live in
the same neighborhoods as us. They help guide us
through our problems and act as role models. In the past, some of us
have been LEAPer's. LEAPers are kids 7-12 in age. As a LEAPer, you do
a large variety of engaging activities.

    - Athletics
    - Camping
    - Culinary
    - LCLC(LEAP's Computer Learning Center)
    - Trips

LIT's are teenagers between the ages of 13-16. We are
learning how to be leaders by participating in differnt activities
during both the school year and summer time.

    - Camping trips
    - College preparatory workshops
    - Plan social awarness events
    - Meet with community activists

Our counselors spend the day with us. They take us on field trips to different places.
They are our mentors, guiding us to make good decisions in the future. We are very luck to have them with us.